Our trip to Venice, Italy

In 2010, my daughter and I were invited on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Venice, Italy and Mykonos, Greece. The timing was just right, we left on my daughter's 14th birthday. She even got to get out of school that day!
We figured the plane ride was gonna be long but we surely weren't prepared for it! It took us 2 days to get to Venice! From Honolulu, to Houston, then Frankfurt, and finally Venice! 

My daughter and her aunty found an airport spa!

She doesn't need this translated

When we arrived in Frankfurt we got to go shopping in their airport shops. It's like a mall in there!

We finally get to Venice! It's so cold here, and of course we only brought summer clothes!
View from our room

Our hotel - Hilton Molino Stucky

Lobby of hotel
Rialto Bridge
This is the breakfast buffet that greeted us every morning!

Mari and Aunty Iris

A real life Gypsy

She was a little strange...
This meat market sold only horse meat...YUK!

Venetian masks

Real life Gondolier

Our hotel shuttle

The view from the hotel rooftop pool

We got to go on a private tour of Doge's Palace. We learned alot about the history of Venice

Bridge of Sighs. Under Construction.

 St. Mark's Basilica - This was another special tour, of course we weren't allowed to take pictures in the church but I managed to get some!

Ceilings are made from mosaic tiles covered in gold leaf

 We got to take a train to the main land to do some outlet shopping. It was an adventure, especially because nobody spoke any English so just getting the right train was fun!

Noventa di Piave Designer Outlet

Real Italian vineyard
Long day of shopping

Waiting for pizza!

Hahah, speed limit sign
Murano & Burano Island

Hospital ruins

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