Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Graduation Card Book

This is a great idea - using your greeting cards (Birthday, Graduation or Christmas cards) as scrapbook pages!

After my daughter's graduation, she had mentioned that she'd like to save her cards. Now I've saved cards before for birthdays and Christmas and they stay in a box for a few years until I throw them away.

So I got this idea that if I bind all the cards into a book then they will stay together. Then as I looked at the back of the cards I thought, if I cover the back (usually the back has the UPC and price) with cardstock, I can use it to add a photo! Voila! I just made a scrapbook!

When you open most cards there is only writing on one side, leaving the blank side free to add more photos. 

On some of the cards I cut it on the fold and glued it back to back with the front (I did this with the horizontal fold cards because you won't be able to open them if you put holes on the sides)

Here I added a pocket page for her announcement.

You can also use the pockets on those money cards to add pictures or small tags. Just be sure to cut them open on the fold and glue back to back so the pocket opening is not on the inside.

For the front and back cover I measured one of the larger cards (it's okay if some cards stick out on the sides) and cut some chipboard to the desired size. I decorated the front cover with a photo of the Lei's she gave out to her friends at commencement.

 After I put all the pages in the order I wanted, I use my Cinch machine to punch holes and bound it with binding wire.

Here is the finished book.

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